It can be confusing to know what Salesforce Certification Maintenance exams you are due to complete, and what the deadlines are. Salesforce has just released a tool that can help clean the confusion with their Credential Status Request tool.

How it Works
Enter your Webassessor email or username to receive an email with a list of all your credentials, your required release exam(s) and the due date(s). You will also receive automated reminders every other month to stay informed on your maintenance requirements. Check this knowledge article for additional details about the new tool.
What the Email Looks Like
Here is a copy of my email, and as you can see, I am currently 2 release exams behind, and have my next maintenance exam deadlines at the end of this March. Here’s the email:
Keep in mind:
- If you just completed an exam, it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to appear.
- The table below will not provide the timeline for your annual maintenance fees. Click here to get more information about the cost to maintain a credential.
- You can always stay up-to-date on our maintenance dates here to know when the next release will launch.
- The table below provides the release exams you must complete to be fully current on maintaining your credentials. You can click on the hyperlink for specific details about each release exam.
- There are some credentials that have special maintenance requirements. If you see a sentence like “Review your maintenance requirements here,” be sure to click on the link to understand your special requirements.
Maintaining Your Credentials
You’ve worked hard for your Salesforce credentials. Be sure to keep them up-to-date! Bookmark these useful articles for quick reference:
Your Credential Status:
Credential | Credential Status | Required Release Exam | Completion Due Date |
Salesforce Certified Administrator | 2 Release Exams Behind | ||
Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator | 2 Release Exams Behind | Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above | Cell |
Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant | 2 Release Exams Behind | Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above | Cell |
Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant | 2 Release Exams Behind | Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above | Cell |
Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder | 2 Release Exams Behind | ||
Salesforce Certified Developer | 2 Release Exams Behind | Cell |
Don’t let your hard earned credential expire! If you do not complete all required release exams by their due date, your credential will expire, or in some cases, become suspended. For more information, click here.
Have a Question?
Visit our Certification website and select Guided Help in the upper right corner for answers to Certification program questions.
It can be confusing to know what Salesforce Certification Maintenance exams you are due to complete, and what the deadlines are. Salesforce has just released a tool that can help clean the confusion with their Credential Status Request tool.
How it Works
Enter your Webassessor email or username to receive an email with a list of all your credentials, your required release exam(s) and the due date(s). You will also receive automated reminders every other month to stay informed on your maintenance requirements. Check this knowledge article for additional details about the new tool.
What the Email Looks Like
Here is a copy of my email, and as you can see, I am currently 2 release exams behind, and have my next maintenance exam deadlines at the end of this March. Here’s the email:
Keep in mind:
- If you just completed an exam, it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to appear.
- The table below will not provide the timeline for your annual maintenance fees. Click here to get more information about the cost to maintain a credential.
- You can always stay up-to-date on our maintenance dates here to know when the next release will launch.
- The table below provides the release exams you must complete to be fully current on maintaining your credentials. You can click on the hyperlink for specific details about each release exam.
- There are some credentials that have special maintenance requirements. If you see a sentence like “Review your maintenance requirements here,” be sure to click on the link to understand your special requirements.
Maintaining Your CredentialsYou’ve worked hard for your Salesforce credentials. Be sure to keep them up-to-date! Bookmark these useful articles for quick reference:
Your Credential Status:
Credential Credential Status Required Release Exam Completion Due Date Salesforce Certified Administrator 2 Release Exams Behind Salesforce Certified Administrator – Summer ’17 Release Exam March 30, 2018 Salesforce Certified Administrator – Winter ’18 Release Exam July 13, 2018 Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator 2 Release Exams Behind Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 2 Release Exams Behind Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant 2 Release Exams Behind Maintained by completing the Salesforce Certified Administrator release exam requirements above Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder 2 Release Exams Behind Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder – Summer ’17 Release Exam March 30, 2018 Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder – Winter ’18 Release Exam July 13, 2018 Salesforce Certified Developer 2 Release Exams Behind Review your maintenance requirements and due date here Don’t let your hard earned credential expire! If you do not complete all required release exams by their due date, your credential will expire, or in some cases, become suspended. For more information, click here.Have a Question?
Visit our Certification website and select Guided Help in the upper right corner for answers to Certification program questions.
Hi Mike, I am currently studying for 201 exam, but when the time comes- how do we know what to study for the maintenance certs? Thanks !
Salesforce recently released a Salesforce Credential Status Request form. This will tell you what maintenance exams you have due, and deadlines. The best study material for maintenance exams are the release notes, and the maintenance exams are not proctored and so you can use the Release Notes to look up answers.
Wow this is amazing. Did not know about this. Just came across it.
Yes, it’s very helpful.